Are you afraid to sell because you're scared people will think you're a wanker?

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Guilty. I did the crime, and boy did I do the time. 

Didn’t get the souvenir teardrop face tattoo though. #Robbed.

So what’d I do?

The crime was that I was scared to start my award-winning Just Another Girl blog because I was afraid people would think ‘oh, here she goes again’ with an eye roll so dramatic, it could be a meme.

And the time being years – 5 years in fact – of me sitting on this idea for a website that would be a place where I could share practical tips, and eventually sell my digital course. I made every excuse for myself possible. 

  • “I’ve already got a business, I don’t have the time”

  • “I’m a Mum”

  • “I’m trying to balance being a mother and running a business”


Sure, some excuses seem legit, but at the end of the day, that’s exactly what they are.




Slowly but surely eating away at your life and opportunities.

The sad part is, I’ve had this idea for five years.


I could have been half a decade deep into this online sanctuary for creators.

But I’m not.

And that’s because I was scared to sell myself in fear of being thought of as an asshole.

However, I’ve woken the heck up and I want YOU to do the same.

Start that clothing line.

Begin your beauty business.

Launch your styling career.

Produce those candles.

Write that book.

Whatever it is, go for it and don’t be afraid to sell.

Easier said than done. I know this for a fact, because I have been victim to the paralysing fear caused by what we tell ourselves.

Common toxic thoughts we say to ourselves are:

  • Will people think I’m an idiot?

  • Am I asking too much?

  • I can’t ask people to spend that amount of money, can I?

  • Are people going to think I’m deluded for charging this amount of money?

And the answer is two-fold.


You can never please everyone – it’s okay to only appeal to a small portion of the population. Do you want to know why?

Because that small portion can be very PROFITABLE. 

It doesn’t matter that Jenny from Townsville thinks you’re asking too much money for your artwork, because David from Noosa will happily purchase your entire collection, PLUS place a custom order.

Who cares that your old friend Romy doesn’t like a goddamn thing you do on Instagram, even though you know she sees it.

It’s redundant because for every Romy, there is a Michelle – and Michelle vibes with your brand majorly, and purchases your online program. 

Do you see where I’m going with this?

If you can begin to replace fear, with confidence, you will reap the benefits.

Hand on heart, I promise you.

People with guts are inspiring.

People with skill sets are admired.

People with guts AND skill sets are rewarded.

And that’s what I want you to be.


It doesn’t matter if your market or industry is crowded, because no one is YOU. 

Being YOU is your competitive edge, your super power. 

You've spent years honing your skills, perfecting your craft, advancing your techniques, so be proud to share your brilliance with the world! 

Never be afraid to sell, because you are not responsible for how others think or react. 

But you are responsible for how you feel. And no one wants to feel that niggling ‘what if’ hanging over your head for the rest of your life?

Uh-huh honey.

Do you want to be responsible for your disappointment in yourself later in life because you didn’t just ‘give it a go’? Hell no!

Mediocrity is the real enemy.

And you are not mediocre.

I know that because you are here, reading this right now. Which means a part of you knows you’re good enough, you just need to break down that fear barrier. 

What’s the worst thing that can happen? 

I’m going to let you in on a little secret.

The worst thing to happen to you isn’t failure.

The worst thing that can happen to you is you going through your life and not realising your full potential. 

That’s just downright catastrophic and soul-crushing.

So let’s do this. Let’s put ourselves out there and give it a go.

You can do it. I’m in your corner.

I’ll even get that teardrop face tattoo to make me look tougher if you want me too.

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