Unlocking the true meaning behind those passive/aggressive emails your boss sends

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“As per my previous email….”


You just KNOW that you’re not in the good books when you receive an email that starts with that passive/aggressive classic.

In my opinion, “As per my previous email…” tops the list in the most commonly used email phrases designed to gaslight the living daylights out of you.

But there are a host of other sly phrases that make the list too…

How refreshing would it be if we could all communicate openly and honestly without all the jargon that comes with ‘professional, corporate emails’?!

So without further bitching about the current state of ‘professional, corporate communication’, allow me to present the unofficial JAG guide to deciphering the passive/aggressive email”

🖕🏼As per my previous email = I've already told you, idiot⁣

Whoever is sending you this is sending you a very clear message: You’ve sh*t the bed, I’ve already told you this, and I HATE repeating myself.

🖕🏼I've copied in my colleague = The person YOU should have emailed initially

You’re subtly being told that you wasted their time.

🖕🏼Just following up on my email below = Why haven't you responded, it's been days, RUDE⁣

Ha. I LOVE this one. I actually email this to people who seem to think their time is more valuable that mine.

🖕🏼As discussed = wtf, why can't you remember or read the damn email trail ⁣

Just because you can’t be bothered to read the existing email trail doesn’t mean someone has to re-write the key points just for you.

🖕🏼Thanks in advance = you've got no choice mate, you're helping me⁣

Ah. The old handball trick!

🖕🏼Your invoice is overdue = pay me motherfucker⁣

‘Nuff said.

🖕🏼Correct me if I'm wrong = I'm most definitely NOT wrong⁣

Never, ever question if I’m right or wrong again or I will bear down on you with the power of a thousand suns.

🖕🏼Regards = Scram, never email me again⁣

Eek. Cold hearted! If you sign off like this, did you not get enough attention as a child? Why the blunt sign-off?

🖕🏼Let's circle back on this = Cannot be bothered dealing with this crap RN

If you say ‘let’s circle back’, give yourself a stern talking to immediately.

🖕🏼Moving forward = Don't ever do that again⁣

Common phrase, not entirely rude, but certainly designed to get you to listen up, this is what we are doing from now on, no questions asked.

🖕🏼All the best = the end

You’re done, bye-bye. Don’t email me again.

🖕🏼Appreciate you finishing = this is your job now

Handball version 2.0

Well, there you have it. The list (according to me), of the most commonly used passive/aggressive email phrases. It was a bit of fun to write, not earth-shattering stuff I know, but relatable nonetheless!

Hit me up on Instagram if you know of any other phrases that I might have missed. Big shout out to Vanessa and Arianna who submitted two crackers to the list!

Until next week JAG-uars, stay rad.

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